We have created a suite of benefits support tools just for you! To help you stay informed, manage expenses and stay healthly!
Ready to enroll, or just want a better understanding our your company provided benefits. Employee Navigator is your single stop to review your employer based benefits, request changes, update personal information and gain a better understanding of your benefits package provided by your employer...
Employee NavigatorYou might be in transition to a new employer, starting your own company or it's just time to enjoy all your hard work. You still need a team to make the changes easy! And because your benefits team and employer cares about your family and you we have provided you with access to our Private Insurance Exchange. Just have question or your ready for the change. Click below or call 1877-477-5183 and our team will make that easy too!
Individual Health Care ExchangeTodays employee doesn't have hours to waste in an urgent care or weeks to see their doctor, and during flu season who wants to? That's why we provide all our clients employees with "MeMD" MeMD is a online and phone based doctor service, and for most acute care you can be treated right away from your office, home, or even while on vacation and prescriptions are called into a local pharmacy for your convenience. Cick below Register and MeMD will take care of the rest.
Talk To A Healthcare ProviderYour health plan will likey provide you with copays and cost controls to help you keep prescription cost down, but they are not always the best prices. To help employees control cost and quickly check for the best prices, check out Good RX. Employees can simply enter their prescription name, and zip code and Good RX will compare pharmacy prices, and notify you of Manufactuer Coupons.
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